Organization Day for the 2009 General Assembly took place on November 18 at the State House. The 100 State Representatives who were elected November 4 along with the 25 State Senators who were elected November 4 have been sworn in.
This is going to be a very difficult session for the 150 Legislators. There will be tremendous pressure to increase government spending from special interest groups and local government. Any substantial increase in spending could result in a tax increase in the near future. Additionally, there will be another attempt to pass a Constitutional Amendment to protect marriage between one man and one woman. The Republican Senate has passed this measure repeatedly but the House under the leadership of Democrat Pat Bauer refuses to even permit the other 99 Representatives to vote on the Amendment.
Now is a good time for Hoosiers to contact their Representative and Senator to let them know their position on issues of importance to them and their family.
The Legislators return to the State House on Wednesday, January 7, 2009.