Representative Wes Culver sent out an email concerning government spending. Here is a portion of his email. “Last year when state government worked to produce a property tax reform plan that capped property taxes, they took a step in the right direction. The problem of rising property taexes is a regular story in Indiana.
In 2008 the property tax reform effort centered on shifting the cost of some local government activities to the state, raising the statewide sales tax from 6% to 7%, an overall increase of 16%, and placing caps on how high the tax bill could go in relation to the assessed value of the property.”
He goes on to say, “If we are not careful, though, the plan that we passed in 2008 will need to be fixed again in the not-so-distant future because we failed to address the fundamental and underlying cause behind property tax increases: government spending.”
If you have an opinion on controlling government spending contact your State Senator and State Representative.