These are indeed troublesome times for our state and nation! Here are just a few of the battles families and churches are facing:
- Efforts to legalize homosexual marriages!
- Efforts to take away the right of parents to choose the best education for their children!
- The ongoing tragedy of abortion!
- Efforts to pass “gender identity laws” to give men who dress as women legal access to women’s restrooms!
Taxation of Churches – An Additional Battle! Churches in Indiana are at risk of being taxed! Advance America will continue to lead the effort to protect churches from being taxed!
The tax on your church could be 3% of the assessed value every year! This means if your church building and property is worth just $1 million then the tax on your church would be $30,000 every year!
We Need Your Help To Help Your Church! Advance America needs your help to protect your church from being taxed and to defend traditional values. We will once again be distributing thousands of non-partisan Voter Guides so individuals can cast an informed ballot on November 6th.