Protecting marriage between one man and one woman is the right thing to do!

The people of Indiana still deserve the right to be able to vote to protect marriage between one man and one woman!

U.S. Supreme Court Decision Is Not The End!

  1. It is disappointing that the U.S. Supreme Court on October 6, 2014 did not agree to hear the case from Indiana overturning our law protecting marriage between one man and one woman. However, there are other cases involving the definition of marriage pending in other federal courts around the nation.
  2. We are hopeful that at least one other federal circuit court will rule in favor of marriage between one man and one woman or will at least rule that states have the right to define marriage.
  3. Then the U.S. Supreme Court would take this new case and hopefully rule that each state can define marriage.
  4. This would then give Indiana the opportunity to once again protect marriage between one man and one woman and prohibit homosexual marriages!

The Battle Is Not Over!

Remember – the decision by the U.S. Supreme Court on October 6, 2014 to not hear the Indiana case does not mean the battle to protect marriage between one man and one woman is over!

Be Watching For Future Updates On This Very Important Issue!

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Advance America

101 W. Ohio Street, Suite 660

Indianapolis, IN 46204

Telephone Numbers

House of Representatives 800-382-9842  & 317-232-9600

State Senate: 800-382-9467 & 317-232-9400

Governor: 317-232-4567

Lt. Governor: 317-232-4545